Spirituality in my 40s
Jane Leu Rekas
November 29, 2012
Since I'm 47, I guess I better update my spirituality history. It's not that decades are real demarkations... but one's beliefs evolve with life experience.
I'm no longer attending church. I guess I sought out various church experiences for about 5 years.
Then I began exploring Reiki, which opened up my clairvoyance. I also began studying A Course in Miracles. In Reiki, Christ would be considered an Ascended Master, among Angels and spirit guides, that assist in spiritual healing. In ACIM, Christ teaches Buddhism. But that's just my take. Reiki God's Love
I also began studying reincarnation and hypnosis. Hood River Hypnosis
Two hypnotists have written about discovering past life regression, and between lives regression. Also, right before my 46th birthday, my brother killed himself and I consulted a channeler. I am now convinced that there is an afterlife, between lives and reincarnation.
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