Tuesday, January 8, 2013

through the years of childhood

I'm collecting photos of myself at every year of age and trying to find pics of my mother and grandmother at each age (if I can) and comparing our aging process.  Some of the ages are guesses.  I have to track down the photos and see if there are years on them.

age 6 mos.
(Andrea with) Jane,   (Inez with) Andrea,  (Henriette with) Inez
1965/6                1939/40                      1907

age 1
Jane,                  Andrea

age 2
(Inez with) Jane,                          Andrea
age 2.5

Jane                               Andrea                            Inez
mom always had the curliest hair

age 3


age 4
Jane (with Josh)

                                  (Inez with) Andrea

age 5

first grade, age 5 
Jane in first grade,   (Malcolm with) Andrea

age 6
Jane,                               Andrea,                  Inez (age guessed)

age 7
Jane,                                Andrea


age 8
Jane (confirmed as 8),             Inez (not sure of age)


age 9

age 10

age 11


age 12


age 13
middle school, I hated how I looked from here on...

age 14
I have far too much hair for long hair... so not flattering


My father at 14

age 15


age 16



picture labeled 1923 or 1924?

age 17
here's where I finally figure out that I need a side, not a middle, part!


age 18 
Jane,                            Andrea on wedding day

This is when I first cut all my hair off.  
I must have been inspired by Annie Lennox.

age 19

age 20

When my grandparents were at Reed.  Mom at Reed.


not sure if these are age 20?
I don't know how I grew my hair back out that fast?
Not sure of my age in the pic on the left, actually I think I'm older.

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