Monday, August 2, 2010

1985 Second visit to my father

Second Visit to see My Father (Age 19): When I was a sophomore in college, I spent winter break in Switzerland with my father and his family. It was a 5 week visit, the longest I ever made. I only visited him 4 times in my life. I am going to post about those visits, out of sequence, because they are such odd interruptions in my life, with very little connection to the exterior of my normal life. During this visit, my mother became clean and sober. She discusses this in her own blog and autobiography, so I won't go into it here in much detail. Suffice it to say, that I had to leave the continent and stop enabling her for her to get into recovery. I say this half jokingly, because I know that I didn't have that much power either way. When I first met my father at age 17, I was very straight laced, at least with regard to outward appearance. I also had done no drugs, alcohol or dating. By the time I visited again at 19, I had changed all that in college. And I wanted to fit in with what my dad expected of his children, which was to participate in his "drugs, sex, rock n roll" lifestyle. A lifestyle which I'd been sort of avoiding my whole life, out of fear. Again, I need to find a picture of me at the age of this visit.
Sometime after this visit, my brother and sister came to visit me at college in Oregon. At that time, Filip gave me my first tattoo, which is on my right shin, now 20 years old... I can't believe it.

Look at the difference in my appearance in less than 2 years. I got rid of that silly perm somewhere in my freshman college year. And then I started dying right above my ears blonde. Not sure why... though it was cool. Sometimes I died my hair black. I was goth before it was cool to be goth.

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